

Our economic and productive development is part of a growing commitment to sustainability. Therefore, as a strategy we adopt strategic and intelligent investment, to optimize efforts and resources, generate jobs and contribute to sustainable development, in pursuit of the best social, environmental and economic results.

Our reality, context and experience, and the lessons learned from these two decades of operation, are variables that generate an excellent opportunity to significantly increase our production of fertilizers or Granulated urea: the project is currently under study to determine its technical and economic feasibility.

As for the general context of our industry, during 2020, estimates regarding the domestic fertilizer market yielded a total of 5.2 million tons, marking a growth over the previous year’s volume of 4.7 million tons.
We understand the implications, risks, and impacts of climate change on our business, both economically and in terms of regulations. Fertilizers play an important role in the development of the agricultural industry and the food chain, but if they are not used correctly, they contribute to the degradation of soil and rivers, to climate change, and to the impact on health. Globally and locally, new initiatives are emerging that promote good agricultural practices and the proper use of fertilizers. We therefore believe that it is important to work in line with these guidelines, both internally in our operations and with the agro-industrial and agri-food value chains, with focus on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda.

GRI 102-7, 102-11, 103-2, 103-3, 201-1, 201-2, 203-2

Material Issues: Economic performance, Indirect Economic impacts

As it can be seen in the following graphs, nitrogen fertilizers represent 56% of the total fertilizers used in the 2020 campaign. They increased their share to the detriment of phosphate fertilizers that reach 37% of the total. On the other hand, the most widely used nitrogen fertilizer continues to be Granulated Urea by a wide margin, increasing its share to 71% in the category, followed by UAN, which represented 22% of the total.

The next chart shows the evolution of Profertil´s urea domestic sales, which has represented about 80% of the urea market share for agriculture. 2020 ended with a new maximum, reaching 1,191,793 tons of sales in the local market.

* Evolution of Profertil Urea sales in tons in the Argentine market. Own production.

Despite a complex and adverse scenario, we were able to adapt and fiscal year 2020 showed a net profit of $5,496 billion. This was due to a sustained growth in demand for Urea in the local market (record tonnage sold) and to the partial absorption of the peso devaluation with the use of financial hedging tools on monetary items in pesos, which were affected by the increase in the exchange rate.

In 2020, we continue to strive to continue the positive results. The effort and efficiency of each area and each person at Profertil were fundamental to achieve most of the goals and projects proposed at the beginning of the year.

In financial terms, we reduced our debt by 27%, which was generated by the large investments made in recent years. Despite the complexity of the national and global situation in 2020, we fulfilled all our financial commitments to suppliers, tax authorities, banks and financial institutions.

Below, we present the main magnitudes of economic performance through the table of Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed (DEVG+D), proposed by the GRI Standards. The information is presented in millions of pesos and comes from the Accounting Statements of Profertil S.A. as of December 31, 2020, exposed under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Argentine pesos and audited, externally, by Deloitte & Co. S.R.L.



We are committed to upholding the highest ethical and legal standards of conduct in all our activities, so that suppliers must adhere to the principles and values that arise om our Code of Ethical Conduct. Accordingly, we have developed the Code of Ethical Conduct for Third Parties and the Integrity Policies for Third Parties, which contain the values and principles that allow us to maintain transparent business relationships, while expressing the Company’s expectations regarding the ethical conduct of third parties within the framework of their contractual relationship with Profertil.

These policies apply to our contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, associated persons, commercial intermediaries, non-commercial representatives, consultants, business partners or anyone providing services for or on behalf of the Company.



The relationship with our customers and distributors allows us to detect opportunities for improvement through different mechanisms, such as commercial agreements, annual satisfaction surveys, extraordinary meetings, public information and a complaint handling system. The characteristics of our clients are shown in the following table:

GRI 102-6, 102-9, 103-2, 103-3, 204-1, 308-1, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 414-1, 416-1

Material Issues: Practices with distributors and agricultural producers, Practices with suppliers


We train our staff in communication tools, for a better attention and a better link with our clients. In addition, we carry out an annual review of our performance, through satisfaction surveys. The results for 2020, in the retail segment, were:


In addition to satisfaction surveys, we use market research at the level of agricultural producers and technical advisors, which allows us to know the changes in the behavior of our client -the end-user-, in order to analyze the trends of the market in which we operate. We also have different communication channels to facilitate dialog and conflict resolution:

  • Telephone hot line 0-800-666-7763 (PROF)
  • Commercial Administration Analyst
  • Commercial management web portal for retail and wholesale customers www.profertil.com.ar, with on-line information on the status of their commercial agreements.
  • Formal complaint management channels with Integrated Management System audits
  • Scheduled visits to clients
  • Twitter: @profertilAgro
  • Facebook: ProfertilAgro
  • YouTube: Canal Profertil Agroindustria
  • Instagram: ProfertilAgro
  • Web page: www.profertil.com.ar whose objective is to add value to the agricultural business through technical support on nutrition technologies available in the virtual library, along with brochures, technical notes and newsletters, among others. There, we also provide specialized information about AgTech products and diagnostic tools, such as Triguero and Maicero. We also provide technical information to the distributor, technical advisors and agricultural producers.
  • Complaints and claims: always striving to provide an effective response to any contingency, when we receive a complaint, we enter it in the Complaints Management System and assign a person responsible for its primary treatment. This person makes a follow up and involves each person responsible for giving answers to the issue through concrete actions, setting the corresponding deadline for the response to the client. In this way, we ensure that complaints are resolved in a timely and comprehensive manner. During 2020 there were 24 complaints, involving a total of 881 tons over a total of 1,379,043 tons commercialized.

In 2020, Profertil began to work on an Integrated Communication Plan that integrates the areas of Human Resources (HR), Institutional Relations (IR) and Planning and Marketing.. This new Plan involves the interaction of 5 communication axes and the SDGs:

  1. We contribute to the production of healthy and nutritious food to meet people’s needs.
  2. We produce with the least impact on the environment.
  3. We take responsibility so that the use of our products has the minimum environmental impact.
  4. We invest, work and contribute positively to the community in which we are inserted.
  5. We value Excellence; we are Honest, Transparent and Supportive.

From Marketing, we are committed to working hard on the first 3 axes. Aligned with
SDG 2 (Zero hunger), 12 (Responsible production and consumption) and 13 (Climate action).

Since its inception, and with an environmental and sustainable approach, we have been promoting the use of Best Management Practices (BMP) for nutrition, known as the 4 Requirements or 4R (dose, source, form and correct timing of application).
In this sense, we work together with research institutions and producers’ associations to generate knowledge and transfer the best approaches on Sustainable Crop Nutrition Strategies.
Among them, we highlight the collaborative work with INTA, Fertilizar, Maizar, CIAFA, AAPRESID, AACREA, AIANBA, Universidad Nacional del Sur (Department of Agronomy) and FAUBA. In 2020 we took part in different own and third party events in virtual form. We can mention:

*Congreso Maizar 2020
*Congreso A Todo Trigo 2020
*Congreso AAPRESID
*Congreso de la Asociación Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo (AACS)

Through our testing network, we evaluate new products and provide the necessary tools for proper soil management and health care. Likewise, along the years, we developed different activities and programs aimed at transferring knowledge and strengthening our relationship with agronomy technical advisors and end customers (agricultural producers), which will be developed in the following sections.

“We are aware as manufacturers of strategic nutrients for agriculture and for the soil, of our double role of helping the producers to be more efficient and, at the same time, to promote doing that by taking care and improving the environment.”

Federico Veller, General Manager


Ratifying our commitment with the agricultural activity in Argentina and continuing with the plan of relationship with the agricultural sector, we developed different training sessions in virtual format. Through these meetings with specialists, we disseminate the Best Management Practices (BMP) for crop nutrition, as a fundamental basis for sustainable agriculture. This must have an integral approach; it must be sustainable, responsible, environmentally and socially friendly, always taking care of soil health.


During 2020, training sessions were held on the sustainability of agri-food production, providing scientific information for these challenges. Seven video conferences were held, which can be found on our YouTube channel:

  • “La fina nos empuja a decidir”. Agr. Eng. T. Zorraquin
  • “Fertilización de trigo: aliada imprescindible en tiempos difíciles”. PH.D. M. Torres Duggan
  • “Tecnología agrónica para una Fertilización 4.0”. B.A. R. Martínez Peck
  • “El cambio climático y el sector agropecuario:
    ¿cómo nos adaptamos y cómo podemos mitigar sus consecuencias?“. PH.D. M. Taboada.
  • “Herramientas para un buen manejo del N”. Agr. Eng. G. Ferraris
  • “Mitigación de GEI a través del secuestro de carbono en suelos”. Agr. Eng. G. Peralta
  • “Nutrición en el cultivo de Maíz tardío”. End. M.Sc. G. Ferraris


In 2020, an application MIT was held in a virtual format. Participants were able to learn about the tools available for solid fertilizer application and new technologies that improve crop nutrition efficiency while preserving soil nutrient levels.


It involves our Distribution Network, with the objective of training and encouraging producers in the performance of correct sampling, and to promote the use of soil analysis as a diagnostic tool to determine the correct fertilizer dosage. In 2020, 2 Prosuelos virtual workshops were carried out with different distributors of the area in the Province of Bs. As. and Córdoba. The topic chosen for this training was Nutrition in Summer crops (Maize) and we were accompanied by specialists in Nutrition: F. García, N. Reussi Calvo and G. Ferraris.


We accompany our distributors in their annual conferences in these activities. This year we participated in the Colón Agribusiness Day (Fertilizer Application).


We understand that part of our responsibility is to disseminate and share knowledge and experience with the community. For this reason, during the year, we published 10 technical notes for specialized agricultural magazines and websites, 1 technical bulletin “Stabilized Fertilizers – EUN and Environmental Care” and we performed 5 Triguero tutorials and 3 Maicero tutorials:

To access the Bulletins, enter Profertil’s virtual library:




We have always focused on the economic, social and environmental development of the suppliers in the communities where we operate. Therefore, we privilege the hiring of Bahia Blanca or national suppliers over foreign ones, as long as the quality and price conditions so allow.

GRI 102-7, 102-11, 103-2, 103-3, 201-1, 201-2, 203-2

Material issues: Economic performance, Indirect economic impacts

We have a procedure for assessing suppliers that may directly affect the quality of our products and services marketed.
This is done at the time of incorporation of new suppliers, as well as in certain cases, according to the analysis of the level of criticality. After a comprehensive evaluation of the supplier, all the multidisciplinary information is consolidated and a ratio is calculated, which will determine whether the supplier is critical or non-critical, and the way in which it will be evaluated, and its periodicity will depend on this.

In this assessment, several attributes are analyzed, which allow to score the service from the profiles of the requesting area, as well as from purchasing, quality, safety, environment and energy. Some of the attributes evaluated, according to the level of criticality, are the following:

• Possible health and safety risks, derived from the type of input or service to be acquired, such as handling, storage and use
• Infrastructure and facilities
• Documentation, training and adherence to international certification standards

(*) Critical supplier performance evaluations begin in February and conclude at the end of May. The evaluation period corresponds to the service or material “past due” year. For this report, the period corresponds to 2020.
(**) Causes not applicable performance evaluation:
• By Critical Supplier biannual condition
• By user’s decision
• By lack of service 2020
• By material supplier evaluation (does not include environment)

(3)The evaluation identifies 3 items of significant importance:
• Compliance with the standard
• Impact to the site/installation/image of the Company
• Compliance with MSDS (safety data sheet)

With respect to our contractors, there are safety and environmental requirements, which are set out in the contract bases, within the Normal Purchasing Management procedure Additionally, we are in charge of developing, together with the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Facultad Regional Bahía Blanca), a training system (for suppliers and contractors) in environmental issues. Through it, the university provides accreditation of the knowledge acquired, which is supported by the development of consultation material prepared by our professionals.

As signatories of the United Nations Global Compact, we incorporate its principles into our contracting conditions to verify and promote that our suppliers are aligned with the protection of human rights, the eradication of child and forced labor, the elimination of discrimination and the promotion of freedom of association, as well as the protection of the environment and the prevention of corruption.

Also, we regularly evaluate and measure the business relationship with them through different mechanisms:

• Annual internal customer survey: to integrate all areas involved, in order to evaluate and improve the management of internal processes.

• External audits to partners and entities contracted by the Board of Directors: exhaustive evaluations are carried out, from which improvement actions arise.

• Internal audits of the Integrated Management System: to verify that the services provided comply with certain regulations.

• External audits of the Integrated Management System: these are carried out by quality organizations, which evaluate compliance with the Integrated Management System.

34 critical suppliers
were evaluated on
environmental criteria.